Assessment, Research, and Evaluation

Welcome to the Career Center’s (CC) assessment, research, and evaluation page. The FSU Career Center engages in a variety of assessment, research, and program evaluation activities across its various units. On a yearly basis, the Career Center appoints a Research & Evaluation Committee, with representatives from each CC unit. The committee meets each semester to review the Career Center’s master list of research, learning outcomes, and evaluation activities, and to discuss new potential areas for research and evaluation. The committee also reviews research activities proposed by Career Center staff members.

Career Center Annual Report

The Career Center’s Annual Report provides a wide variety of data assessing the impact of CC programs and services, as well as specific numbers related to program activities.

Graduating Senior Survey, Hiring and Salary Data

The Career Center collaborates with the Division of Student Affairs to produce a follow-up survey of graduating seniors. Additional data is collected on salaries, internships/coops, and related recruitment statistics.

Division of Student Affairs (DSA) Strategic Planning & Assessment

The Career Center collaborates with Florida State’s DSA Office of Strategic Planning & Assessment in examining student and program outcomes across DSA departments. The Career Center submits a yearly plan of activities designed to assess student learning outcomes.

Tech Center (Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development)

The Tech Center site includes a variety of reports and bibliographies highlighting Career Center research activities. This research is focused on extending the literature base on the cognitive information processing theory-based approach to career counseling and services, Holland’s RIASEC theory, and improving the design, delivery, and cost effectiveness of career services. The Tech Center also provides information on the use of technology in counseling and career services.

For additional information on Career Center Assessment, Research, & Evaluation activities, contact Dr. Casey Dozier at