FSU Career Center Disclaimer

The Florida State University (FSU) Career Center strives for open access and connections between students and employers. The FSU Career Center abides by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles for Ethical Professional Practice.

The Career Center is a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), a nonprofit professional organization for career centers and employers; partners with the Direct Employers Association, a nonprofit association of national employers; and NoleNetwork, a career services platform that connects students, schools and employers. For details on their privacy practices, please review the Symplicity Privacy PolicySymplicity Terms of Service, and the Direct Employers Privacy Policy .

Job/internship listings, on-campus interviewing, career fair registrations and partner program registrations are provided through NoleNetwork, the Career Center's Career Services Management System (CSM). NoleNetwork is provided free of charge to employers and to job seekers. All hiring and compensation for work performed by employees is handled directly between the student/alumni job seeker and the employer. The Career Center makes no representations or guarantees about quality of student/alumni applicants or employers, as we do not perform background checks. Employers and students/alumni are encouraged to request reference information from each other as needed to establish qualifications, credentials and overall fit between the employer and the applicant. The Career Center makes no representations or guarantees about positions posted in NoleNetwork, positions posted on external websites linked from the Career Center website (/Resources/Career-Center-Library), or positions highlighted via Career Center social media accounts. Job seekers are urged to carefully review job postings and use caution and common sense when applying. Do not disclose social security numbers, credit card information, or bank account numbers to unknown employers.

All job opportunities are posted at the discretion of the Career Center. The Career Center may deny and/or remove access rights for organizations that do not support the policies and procedures of NACE, Florida State University or that violate state and/or federal law. Registering and logging onto NoleNetwork indicates you have read, understand, and agreed to terms and conditions of the agreement outlined below:

  • The Career Center reserves the right to deny access to any student, alumni, recruiter, vendor, employer, school, or organization from participating in any recruitment event/service including, but not limited to: on-campus and off-campus recruiting, resume referrals/books, employment postings, or career fairs.
  • By utilizing Career Center events/services, organizations agree they will adhere to the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE) Principles for Ethical Professional Practice
  • The following posting guidelines are provided:
    • Positions that require any form of monetary commitment from students prior to employment can be posted only if the payout structure as well as any upfront costs, special fees or purchases for required training materials as a preliminary condition of employment is clearly defined and advertised within the job description.
    • Positions that are compensated only by commission can be posted if the payout structure is clearly defined.
    • Positions that appear to discriminate against applicants on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veterans or marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and any other protected group status will not be posted.
    • Positions that do not comply with Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) standards will not be posted.
    • Internships, both paid and unpaid, that do not comply with the U.S. Department of Labor's Fair Labor Standards Act for Trainees or Students will not be posted.
    • Unpaid internship postings with "for-profit" private sector employers that do not encompass the six criteria as defined by the U.S. Department of Labor's Test for Unpaid Interns will not be posted.
    • Part-Time/Temporary postings offering compensation lower than the U.S. Department of Labor's Guidelines for Federal Minimum Wage will not be posted. Employing organizations advertising part-time/temporary positions within the State of Florida must meet Florida Minimum Wage Rates .

The Career Center is committed to providing privacy of personal information for our clients, to the fullest extent permitted by law. Although the Career Center maintains ownership of all student and alumni profile data and résumés in NoleNetwork, résumés and profiles of students and alumni participating in any of these services reside on the NoleNetwork (Symplicity) servers. Employers may also request résumés through our NoleNetwork (screened by major, overall GPA, graduation date, work authorization, etc.).

The Career Center will not disclose a client’s protected information to third parties or government agencies, without consent, unless required by law. Client and employer information from NoleNetwork may be used to construct aggregate reports that assist the Career Center in program planning for statistical reports or to inform clients of services and programs of interest. This information may also be used to troubleshoot problems and is accessible only to Career Center staff. Information routinely shared with parties outside of the Career Center is shared only in aggregate form.

ProfessioNole Mentoring

The Career Center staff have access to view mentoring conversations.  Any information contained in the mentoring database, including mentoring conversations, are considered educational records of the student and protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

The advice, information and opinions expressed by the mentors are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of the Florida State University Board of Trustees, the Florida State University, the Florida State University Career Center, or any employee thereof. FSU makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, or validity of such information and will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in such information or any losses arising from its use.

If you have any questions about the privacy statement, please contact the Career Center at 850-644-0796 or hireanole@fsu.edu

Student Disclaimer

By registering with NoleNetwork, students and alumni who use the system are agreeing to allow the personal and professional information they provide (e.g. name, address, telephone number, email address, degree(s), etc.), to be accessed by the Career Center.

Students and alumni using NoleNetwork consent that information found in their account profiles, résumés, cover letters and other relevant documents is truthful and accurately represents both their education and experience. Students making false statements regarding their education and/or experience can be subject to discipline under the Florida State University Student Conduct Code. The Career Center may deny and/or remove access rights for students and alumni that do not support the policies and procedures of the University.

The Career Center makes no recommendation regarding employers, and makes every effort to approve legitimate job opportunities.  While the Career Center works diligently to monitor jobs, occasionally postings may occur that are fraudulent.

Here are some good tips to identify a job that is probably a scam:

  • You must give your credit card or bank account numbers, or copies of personal documents - but you get nothing in writing. 
  • You must send payment by wire service or courier. 
  • You are offered a large payment or reward in exchange for allowing the use of your bank account - often for depositing checks or transferring money. 
  • You receive an unexpectedly large check. 

If you view a job posting that matches these characteristics please contact the Career Center at 850.644.4023 or hireanole@fsu.edu

Additional Information

Collection of Information

Some areas of our website collect personal information for the purposes of:

  • Authentication: Programs that require registration utilize a login name and password to authenticate returning users.
  • Identification: Some forms on our website ask for personal information such as your name and email address, so that we can respond to a request or question. Such information is voluntary unless otherwise noted on the form. However, not providing any contact information may make it impossible for us to respond personally to you.
  • Statistical Usage: Some pages on our website may record your computer's IP address and information about your web browser, in order to provide statistical data on the use of this website. This information is used in aggregate form and does not personally identify you.
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