2014 Portfolio Contest Winners
Pictured from left to right: Kendra Lauer (3rd Place, Undergraduate), Spencer Scruggs (1st Place, Graduate), Jesse Klein (2nd Place, Doctoral). Not pictured: Kathryn Chandler (1st Place, Undergraduate)

2014 First Place Graduate - Spencer Scruggs
Spencer Scruggs is a first year graduate student pursuing a Master of Science degree in Higher Education at Florida State University. Spencer is interested in going into a professional position within student affairs or working in a non-profit organization or state or federal government with higher education policy. Student learning is what drives him the most and brought Spencer to Florida State University and into the field of higher education and student affairs.

2014 First Place Undergraduate - Kathryn Chandler
Kathryn Chandler is a senior at Florida State University majoring in Environmental Science and minoring in Biology and Chemistry. Her career goals include conducting field work with marine life and discovering how we can benefit from marine life and how water quality affects the population dynamics of many coastline populations. Kathryn accepted an internship with Kalu Yala Entrepreneurial Company in Panama, and will be conducting field research on the flora and fauna of the aquatic environment. This research will be put forth in order to develop a completely sustainability community. After graduation, she plans to move to California to conduct field research for Scripps, a leading oceanographic institute.

2014 Second Place - Jesse Klein
Jesse Klein graduated Summa Cum Laude from Florida State University in 2010 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology and Criminology. She is currently a doctoral candidate in the Ph.D program in Sociology at Florida State University. Jesse's Master's and dissertation work focuses on the dynamics of contemporary social movements and social justice. Jesse plans to complete her Ph.D in Spring 2016 and pursue a tenure-track position as a professor at an institution of higher education where she can both teach and conduct research.

2014 Third Place - Kendra Lauer
Kendra Lauer is a senior from Sioux Falls, South Dakota majoring in Criminology and has studied Arabic this past summer in Amman, Jordan. Upon graduation she plans on commissioning as an officer in the United States Air Force and serving as a missile operations officer. She is a member of Alpha Phi Omega and enjoys running and serving the community. Her career goals involve becoming fluent in Arabic and traveling the world serving on behalf of the United States.

Appreciation is expressed to our judges: