Click here for Drop-in Advising Hours
Career advising and counseling is provided by a variety of staff members, including advanced doctoral and master's level students in counseling psychology and related fields. Before seeing clients, advisors receive approximately 40 hours of intensive training in the selection and use of career center resources. Our career advisors are prepared to listen to your needs, then work with you to develop a plan to reach your career goals. It is important to remember, however, that a career advisor can only act as your "coach." It is up to you make your career plan a reality.
Career advisors provide two types of services, both free of charge.
- Career advising is provided on a drop-in basis. Simply sign in at our advising desk in the Career Center Library (room 1200 in the Dunlap Success Center) and a career advisor will see you as soon as possible. During academic semesters, career advisors are available Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. with extended hours on Tuesday until 8 p.m.
- Individual counseling appointments are available at select times. These appointments are reserved for clients with the most need and are provided at the discretion of the Career Center. Clients may be asked for permission to record the session for the supervision and professional development of the career advisor.
Most information disclosed in career advising remains confidential. In rare and specific circumstances, the Career Center may be required to break confidentiality to protect you or identified others from harm. The three exceptions to maintaining confidentiality include:
- Compliance with the Vulnerable Persons Act is a law that states "every individual in the state is required to immediately report known or suspected child abuse and child sexual abuse to the Florida Department of Children and Family Services' Abuse Hotline, with the definition of 'child' including any person under the age of eighteen."
- Compliance with Title IX which states "all FSU faculty and staff shall report every incident of sexual battery to the Title IX Director (850) 644-6271 and FSU Police (644-1234)."
- Finally, The Career Center strives to protect you or a third party from any immediate or imminent threat to harm.
Please contact the Career Center (850) 644-6431 with questions regarding this policy.
Drop-in services at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering are also available. Click here for the advising hours and student resources.
College of Business
The satellite Employer Relations and Recruitment Services office in the College of Business (114B RBB) is closed. Please visit the Career Center at the Dunlap Success Center.