ProfessioNole Pathways and Badging

In collaboration with the Career Center and campus content experts, help prepare the talent of the future through competency development.  The Career Center will work with you to develop a custom badge pathway to provide unique learning opportunities and experiences for students based on your needs or the needs of the workforce.  Each badge designed will align with the University's ProfessioNole Competencies, which are based on the career ready competencies outlined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

Benefits Include:

  • Your organization's name or logo will appear on the badge and will be incorporated into the badge or badge pathway description.
  • The badge will be linked back to your organizations career opportunities webpage.
  • Your logo will also appear on The Career Center website acknowledging your badge creation and support of student success at Florida State University.
  • These badges may be created in concert with departments, faculty and/or staff on campus.

The Career Center is ready to help you develop a pipeline of talent based on your needs and the competencies that are most important to your organization. 

Competency-based hiring

  • Quickly identify the applicants that have demonstrated mastery of the skills you desire in new hires.
  • Student participants document their progress along a tailored pathway designed by you, while employer sponsors can evaluate and identify top achievers in their area.

Stackable Digital Badges

  • Explore the full list of current digital badges here.
  • Employer sponsors can integrate any of this premade content into their customized student pathway.

Discuss Skills Gaps in Recent Hires and How a Customized Pathway Could Help

  • Digital badges indicate that a student has achieved the level of competency that you require in a particular skillset.
  • Whether you are looking for ways to better identify student talent or want to help foster the unique skills students need for success in your industry, the Career Center's ProfessioNole Pathways program can help.
  • For discussion or consultation, or to begin the pathway design process, email