Riley Stemmerman

Describe the steps you took to obtain your internship.

Securing an internship proved to be a challenging journey with both successes and setbacks. It commenced with the crafting and organization of my LinkedIn profile to convey a polished and professional image. Subsequently, I used resources offered by the FSU Career Center to refine and enhance my resume. Thereafter, I pursued internship opportunities vigorously, applying extensively through platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and NoleNetwork, targeting roles in finance, real estate, and general business. This proactive approach resulted in contact from an Amazon recruiter, facilitating my participation in an interview fair. Prior to engaging with Amazon, I conducted thorough research into the company's core values. This preparation proved invaluable during two rounds of interviews, ultimately leading to an offer for an Area Manager position located in Phoenix, Arizona.

How far in advance did you prepare and begin applying for your experiential learning opportunity?

Due to the highly competitive nature of finance internships, I initiated my application process early, starting as early as August. However, I encountered challenges when I realized that some opportunities had closed as early as July. I intensified my efforts in December and eventually succeeded in securing a position by February. My advice is to apply as early as feasible to avoid encountering the issue I faced, where positions fill quickly, necessitating a last-minute scramble for internship opportunities.

If you used any Career Center services, resources, or events to obtain your internship, what were they? How did they support your application process?

When beginning my search for summer internships, I utilized several resources offered by the career center, which proved beneficial. Over time, I refined my resume with the assistance of the career center, where I received feedback, edits, and enhancements. In addition, I leveraged NoleNetwork to apply for numerous jobs and internships. Furthermore, I utilized the career center to model my LinkedIn profile to enhance its professionalism. Despite these efforts, I have come to realize that there are even more opportunities available through the Career Center that I can explore. These include the mentorship program and FSU Job Shadow initiative, both of which I am starting to engage with and am eager to see their impact on my career development.

Describe some of your responsibilities or duties during your experiential learning opportunity.

As an Area Manager intern, I undertake a range of significant responsibilities and duties. Initially, I partner with an Area Manager to gain comprehensive insights into departmental management, which involves analyzing data and making decisions to achieve our daily cost and volume targets. Moreover, I lead and provide guidance to a large team composed of associates and process assistants. Effective communication with various teams, leaders, and stakeholders is also a key aspect of my role. Additionally, I am tasked with spearheading a major project focused on enhancing processes within our Inbound department. My success in this endeavor led to me being entrusted with an additional project. These initiatives require me to conduct tests and experiments to gather data, which informs decisions on whether these new processes should be implemented facility-wide at PHX7.

What was a typical day like "on the job?"

A typical workday begins promptly at 7:30 AM for me, as I am on the back half day shift, working from Wednesday through Saturday until 6:00 PM. Upon arrival, I start by opening my laptop and reviewing the day's goals. I observe my managers as they develop plans and strategies to tackle the day ahead. Following the morning briefing where managers communicate with all associates and process assistants during our daily startup, I focus on tracking various metrics such as UPH (units per hour) and cost goals. I then proceed to my assigned areas where my projects are located, collaborating closely with the teams I've selected. Here, I conduct tasks to gather essential data, including rate speeds and durability assessments. Throughout the day, I regularly touch base with my manager to discuss additional responsibilities and often assist associates with their process paths. I also contribute during midday startup sessions after their lunch break, where I relay information to my entire team. Following that, I take lunch myself which I use the time to eat, catch up on work and draft project updates. Post-lunch, I return to monitor the progress of my projects and solicit feedback. I manage these activities alongside any other tasks that arise until the next break around 2:00 PM. During this break, I sometimes assist with distributing items to associates as part of morale-boosting efforts, ranging from merchandise to snacks. In the latter part of the afternoon, I transition to administrative duties, focusing on completing more tasks before returning to the floor for the final two hours of my shift.

What are some major takeaways from your experience? How will these help prepare you for the next step after graduation?

Throughout my professional experience, I have gained valuable insights and skills across various aspects. These include navigating job and internship applications, mastering interview techniques, fostering a strong work ethic, and honing effective communication skills. One key takeaway is the importance of applying early and frequently due to the competitive nature of job markets. Utilizing resources such as resume assistance and platforms like NoleNetwork maximizes the likelihood of securing opportunities. Prior to interviews, thorough research on the company and alignment with their values greatly enhances one's candidacy. Demonstrating how your skills contribute directly to the company's objectives resonates positively with employers. Following up with a thank-you note post-interview reinforces professionalism. In terms of professional conduct, I have adopted the mindset of approaching each day with the enthusiasm of "Day 1". This mindset fosters a positive outlook and resilience in the face of challenges, turning setbacks into learning opportunities for continuous improvement. Embracing hard work and hands-on involvement allows for a deeper understanding of job functions and builds credibility among peers. Effective communication, treating everyone as equals regardless of hierarchy, ensures efficient team dynamics by leveraging diverse perspectives and knowledge. This is due to the fact that everyone has different experiences, viewpoints and knowledge which combined could lead to successful endeavors. In summary, my experiences have underscored the importance of proactive preparation, resilience, and collaborative communication in achieving professional growth and success.

Did this experience help clarify your career path? If yes, how so?

This experience has significantly clarified my career path by exposing me to diverse avenues and opportunities. Working on various projects has enabled me to collaborate with teams across different departments such as Safety, HR, and Learning, providing insight into numerous career paths. Moreover, I've had the privilege of engaging with the Finance Director at my site, which has strengthened my interest in financial markets, forecasting, and related areas. This interaction has been instrumental in helping me discern my preferences and areas of interest. Furthermore, this experience has taught me the importance of remaining open-minded about career opportunities. It has underscored the value of exploring seemingly unconventional paths, as these can unexpectedly lead to rewarding opportunities and personal growth.

Riley Stemmerman

Riley Stemmerman

"I have adopted the mindset of approaching each day with the enthusiasm of "Day 1". This mindset fosters a positive outlook and resilience in the face of challenges, turning setbacks into learning opportunities for continuous improvement."

Major: Finance
Current Position: Area Manager Intern