Employer-in-Residence Program

The Employer-in-Residence Program (EIRP) provides an inclusive venue for employers to host on-campus activities where students will gain career-related information and advice from industry professionals. The objective is to provide quality, professional experiences that prepare students for future success with companies and organizations. Career Center Partners are given priority registration for designated EIRP dates each semester. 

Employer Benefits

  • Introduce your organization to a diverse student population
  • Improve exposure and campus visibility with faculty, staff, and/or campus partners
  • Pay it forward by preparing our future leaders
  • Effective indirect recruiting method
  • Stand out in a sea of employers
  • Preparing students for the internship/job search will increase the quality of student applications 

Proposed activities and sessions must provide:

  • The opportunity for students to practice and attain ProfessioNOLE Competencies https://www.naceweb.org/career-readiness/competencies/career-readiness-defined/
  • An inclusive space where students can build their network 
  • The opportunity for students to gain industry knowledge and career-related information about the featured employer including career paths, alumni success stories, industry demonstrations, real-world scenarios, and company work environment

  • Students with direct feedback from industry professionals on career-related materials such as resumes, cover letters, portfolios, mock interviews, job or internship applications, etc.
  • Students career advice from industry professionals to guide them in their career journey

Participation in the Career Center's established Eat & Meet With A Pro! series is required.

  • Employers will provide a complete meal and activity between the hours of 11am and 1pm.
    • Vegan and dietary considerations apply.
    • The EIRP manager will work with your team regarding budget concerns to find options for the meal.
    • The room capacity is 70 but we can limit the number of participants (45 minimum)
  • Activities with the highest attendance have been:
    • Technology activities that lead to a new skill on the student's resume (example: Salesforce Trailheads)
    • Games like Career Jeopardy, Career Match, Skills Bingo
    • Team challenges
    • Leadership activities or exciting hands-on product demos (must adhere to University policies)
    • The EIRP manager is happy to work with your team to create an innovative, fresh activity to capture students' attention.

Employers will host a 2nd activity to engage students and have the opportunity to work directly with a member of the employer relations team to build a full schedule for the campus visit.

  • The Career Center embraces innovation and encourages your team to think outside the traditional "info session" box
  • Morning networking social
  • An interactive tabling event

Dates and important details:

  • EIRP will be held on designated dates during the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Considering class schedules, large Career Center events, and student traffic, EIRP will not be held during August, September, December, and January.
    • The Career Center reserves the right to change program dates and limit the number of participating employers.
  • EIRP dates for Fall 2024: October 8, October 22, November 5, and November 19.  Other dates may be available upon request.
  • It is important employers understand that students receive hundreds of emails and advertisements for campus programs and happenings each day so it is likely that organizations without an established brand could go unnoticed.
    • Although the Career Center will provide marketing support for EIRP, it is the responsibility of the employer to build a strong campus brand that will attract their target audience.
    • The Career Center empowers employers to:
      • Tag @fsucareercenter on social marketing for EIRP
      • Connect with Career Center Liaisons and Registered Student Organizations
      • Utilize websites like LinkedIn to proactively engage FSU students
      • Take advantage of a dynamic, robust employer profile in NoleNetwork
      • Research your target audience to develop effective marketing practices

Employers who wish to participate should complete this form:


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