Alyssa Rogers

Describe your job search process. What were some challenges you faced or things you learned from the experience?

I was given work study by the school and used that opportunity to search for community-based work study rather than on-campus work. It was important for me to get involved in the local Tallahassee area and make a difference with an impactful organization nearby, that's when I found Grace Mission's SOAR after-school program. I learned a lot from working with kids who reside in Tallahassee's largest public-housing area, it's allowed me to reflect on myself as an individual and use my strengths to better help other people.

If you used any Career Center services, resources, or events to obtain your job offer, what were they? How did they support your application process?

Work study was offered to me in which I was given a list of potential employment opportunities both on and off-campus. Once I decided to work in the community, I wanted to use the Experiential Certificate Program (introduced to me by The Career Center) to reflect on and recognize my accomplishment.

Have you participated in any experiential learning opportunities (Internships, volunteer experiences, research, leadership roles, military experience, etc.)? How have these prepared you for moving into a full-time role?

This job has given me face-to-face interaction with younger individuals who need help the most--whether it's in their academics or personal life. It's taught me to be a much more compassionate individual when introduced to tough situations. As a future neonatal physician, this compassion will allow me to not only heal patients, but feel for their situations as well.

What advice do you have for current students that will be launching a full-time professional job search?

I would suggest looking into work study as an option if one does qualify. Once given this opportunity, I would advise that students look into community-based work study in the area so they are able to gain an experience not only for their academic resume, but for their personal gain as well. There are tons of non-profit organizations in the area in need of assistance and there is a multitude of ways to lend a hand.

Alyssa Rogers

Alyssa Rogers

"I used the Career Center’s Experiential Certificate Program to reflect on and recognize my accomplishment."

Major: Biological Sciences, Class of 2019
Company/Organization: Grace Mission SOAR After-School Program