Aislinn Gonzalez

Describe the steps you took to obtain your internship.
   I started researching different opportunities within Tallahassee since I knew I would be residing here for the Fall. Considering that I will attend graduate school in the future, I knew I needed to have research experience to show that I actually have explored the psychology field, love it, and display some knowledge about it. I was blessed with the opportunity of being selected for a DIS (Directed Individual Study) course, which in the end, resulted in being offered a letter of recommendation and a good mentorship.

How far in advance did you prepare and begin applying for your experiential learning opportunity?
    I began preparing for my opportunity in January of 2022 when I started taking my Introduction to Career Development class. I wanted to make sure that I was well-equipped mentally and physically for this amazing opportunity.

If you used any Career Center services, resources, or events to obtain your internship, what were they?
   The Career Center contributed immensely to my application process, they helped edit my résumé and cover letter and even helped prep me for the interview process.

Describe some of your responsibilities or duties during your internship, and what a typical day was like "on the job".
   Some of my responsibilities and duties included bringing participants back into a room, giving them a survey or exam of choice, and running statistical data. Every day was quite the same from the previous being that participants would come in, we would ask them questions and give them a psychological exam, and later we would run statistical analysis on the results from the participants. My typical day would be very busy at times due to a busy schedule, so I would have to time manage correctly and make sure I had some of my things in check beforehand. 

What are some major takeaways from your experience? How will these help prepare you for the next step after graduation?
   I believe a major takeaway I had from this experience overall was being responsible and having time management skills, which is one of many key characteristics to have when wanting a career in research. Every day, I was tasked with a new challenge and I taught myself to look on the brighter side of things. I had my mentor and other graduate students depending on me.

Did this experience help clarify your career path? If yes, how so?
   This experience helped me confirm that I want to pursue research in the future and answer those questions that people may have. Seeing how some of the research we are doing made me satisfied that we would help thousands later on. I found genuine happiness in research. I did not grow tired or bored of performing the skills I did. 

"Aislinn Gonzalez"

Aislinn Gonzalez

"A major takeaway I had from this experience overall was being responsible and having time management skills, which is one of many key characteristics to have when wanting a career in research. Every day, I was tasked with a new challenge and I taught myself to look on the brighter side of things. I had my mentor and other graduate students depending on me.”

Major: Psychology
Anticipated graduation: Fall 2023