Leah Mixon

Describe your job search process. What were some challenges you faced or things you learned from the experience?

The job search process started for me in Fall of 2022, the beginning of my Senior year. As an accelerated student, I was entering my Senior year at just 19 years old. It was incredibly daunting to apply to jobs and plan the start of my career at this age. From this experience, I learned to lean on my community. The FSU Career Center and my fellow student leaders helped me so much through the job search process.

If you used any Career Center services, resources, or events to obtain your job offer, what were they? How did they support your application process?

I definitely utilized the Career Center's services and resources to obtain my job offer! Through their networking events and resume workshops, I prepared step by step and gained confidence throughout this process. To bring it full circle, I met Brian Swords, a Managing Partner of Canopy Management Consulting Group at Seminole Futures. I ended up interviewing with him and now work as a Consultant at Canopy. Brian has been an amazing mentor to me throughout the start of my career and I am thankful to Florida State for connecting us. 

Have you participated in any experiential learning opportunities (Internships, volunteer experiences, research, leadership roles, military experience, etc.)? How have these prepared you for moving into a full-time role?

I held a number of leadership roles at Florida State that prepared me for moving into my full-time role. Most notably, my roles on the Senior Executive Board of Class Councils and as an Ambassador of the Student Alumni Association gave me valuable skills I brought into my current position. Strengthening my project management, leadership, and teamwork as an FSU student leader allowed for a smooth transition into the consulting field.

What advice do you have for current students that will be launching a full-time professional job search?

My best advice to current students launching a full-time professional job search is to be open to the opportunities that present themselves, open to career fields you have not considered, and open to potentially relocating for your role. I think my greatest strength throughout the job search was keeping an open mind when applying to different positions and talking to companies.

Leah Mixon

Leah Mixon

"My best advice to current students launching a full-time professional job search is to be open to the opportunities that present themselves, open to career fields you have not considered, and open to potentially relocating for your role."

Major: Marketing
Opportunity: Receiving a Full-Time Job Offer