Selected Publications
- Lenz, J. G., Dozier, V. C., & Reardon, R. C. (2024). Instructor's manual for career development and planning: A comprehensive approach. (8th Ed). Kendall Hunt. Retrieved from
- Morgan, M. J., Heu, Osborn, D. S. (2024). Career decision making, career exploration behaviors, and self-regulated learning. Career Development Quarterly, 72(1), 46-62.
- Osborn, D. S., Hayden, S. C. W., Sampson, J. P., Jr., Dozier, V. C., Hultman, J., & Bennet, E. (2024). Cognitive information processing: Synergizing theory, research and practice. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 52(1), 94-109.
- Osborn, D. S., Quiroga, S., Tang, E., Sherman, L., Reese, N., Verma, K., & Marks, L. (2024). Social identities and cognitive information processing theory: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Career Development, 51(3), 349-369.
- Reardon, Lenz, J. G., Dozier, V. C., Roark, K. A., & Hultman, J. D. (2024). Career development and planning: A comprehensive approach. (8th Ed.) Kendall Hunt. Retrieved from
- Coleman, C., Lenz, J. G., & Osborn, D. S. (2023). The relationships among the big 5 personality factors and negative career thoughts. Career Development Quarterly, 71(1), 30-40.
- Hayden, S. C. W., Osborn, D. S., & Costello, K. (2023). The connection between executive processing and career development. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 50(1), 29-40.
- Nsubuga, H., Osborn, D. S., & Brookens, Q. S. (2023). Meeting Ugandan university students' career needs using cognitive information processing model. Career Development Quarterly, 71(3), 238-250.
- Sampson, J. P., Lenz, J. G., Bullock-Yowell, E., Osborn, D. S., & Hayden, S. C. W. (Eds.). (2023). Cognitive information processing: Career theory, research, and practice. Florida State Open Publishing. Retrieved from
- Sampson, . P., Jr., Lenz, J. G., Reardon, R. C., Bullock-Yowell, E., Osborn, D. S., & Peterson, G. W. (2023). Cognitive Information Processing Theory. In W. B. Walsh, L. Flores, P. Hartung, F. Leong, & M. Savickas (Eds.), Career Psychology: Models, Concepts, and Counseling for Meaningful Employment (pp. 43-64). American Psychological Association. Retrieved from
- Dozier, V. C., & Dellafiora, T. (2022). Optimize Job Satisfaction through a Theoretically-Based Service Delivery Model. In Q. Martin (Ed.), Career Development and Job Satisfaction (pp. 205-226). Nova Science Publishers.
- Dozier, V. C., Morgan, M., Burbrink, I., & Peace, C. (2022). Standardized career course curriculum: Effects on negative career thoughts and metacognitive knowledge. The Career Development Quarterly, 70(4), 314-326.
- Kronholz, J. Osborn, D. S. (2022). Dysfunctional career thoughts, interest profile elevation, and RIASEC skills of career counseling clients. Journal of Employment Counseling, 59(2), 52-63.
- Lenz, J. G., Reardon, R., & Dozier, V. C. (2022). Instructor's manual for career development and planning: A comprehensive approach. (7th Ed.) Kendall Hunt.
- Osborn, D. S., Hayden, S. W. C., Reid Marks, L., Hyatt, T., Saunders, D. E., & Sampson, J. P. (2022). Career practitioners' response to career development concerns in the time of COVID-19. Career Development Quarterly, 70(1), 52-66.
- Reardon, R., Lenz, J. G., Sampson, J. P., & Peterson, G. (2022). Career development and planning: A comprehensive approach. (7th Ed.) Kendall Hunt.
- Hayden, S. C. W., Osborn, D. S., Peace, C., & Lange, R. (2021). Enhancing agency in career development via cognitive information processing theory. British Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 49 (1), 1-29. doi: 0.1867703
- Osborn, D., Dozier, C., & Hyatt, T. (2021). Training career practitioners for a virtual world. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 37(2), 247-257.
- Reardon, R., Christianson, S., Coleman, R., Dozier, V. C., Hayden, S., Leierer, S., Miller, A., & Peterson, G. (2021). The Career State Inventory (CSI): Applications in practice. Career Planning & Adult Development Journal, 36(2), 4-15. Retrieved from
- Dozier, V. C., Peterson, G. W., & Reardon, R. C. (2020). Career decision state and assessment of RIASEC interest structure. The Career Development Quarterly, 68, 186-192.
- Buzzetta, M. E., Lenz, J. G., Hayden, S. C. W., & Osborn, D. S. (2020). Student veterans: Meaning in life, negative career thoughts and depression. The Career Development Quarterly, 68 (4), 361-373.
- Dozier, V. C., Peterson, G. W., & Reardon, R. C. (2020). Career decision state and assessment of RIASEC interest structure. The Career Development Quarterly, 68, 186-192. doi:10.1002/cdq.12222
- Hayden, S. C. & Osborn, D. S. (2020). Impact of Worry on Career Thoughts, Career Decision State, and Cognitive Information Processing-identified Skills. Journal of Employment Counseling, 57 (4), 163-177.
- Hayden, S. C. & Osborn, D. S. (2020). Utilizing experiential learning theory to train career practitioners. Journal of Employment Counseling, 57, 2-13.
Additional Selected Publications
- Leierer, S. J., Peterson, G. W., Reardon, R. C., & Osborn, D. S. (2022, December 20). The Career State Inventory (CSI) as a Measure of the Career Decision State and Readiness for Career Decision Making: A Manual for Assessment, Administration, and Intervention (Third Edition). Florida State University Libraries under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0 license.
- Sampson, J. P., Osborn, D. S., Bullock-Yowell, E., Lenz, J. G., Peterson, G. W., Dozier, V. C., Leierer, S. J., Hayden, S. C. W., & Saunders, D. E. (2020). An introduction to CIP theory, research, and practice. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University, Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development. Retrieved from
- Osborn, D., Dozier, V. C., Peterson, G. P., Bullock-Yowell, E., Saunders, D. E., & Sampson, J. P., Jr. (2019). Cognitive information processing theory: Applications of an empirically based theory and interventions to diverse populations. In Arthur, N., & McMahon, M. (Ed.), Contemporary theories of career development: International perspectives (pp. 61-77). New York, NY: Routledge. Retrieved from
- Sampson, J. P., Jr., Bullock-Yowell, E., Dozier, V. C., Osborn, D., & Lenz, J. (Eds.). (2017). Integrating theory, research, and practice in vocational psychology. Florida State University Libraries. Retrieved from
Bibliographies & Research
- CIP Bibliography (2023 PDF version) & CIP Bibliography (In progress Google Docs version)
- CTI Research (In progress Google Sheets version)
- CIP Evidence-Based Research (In progress Google Sheets version)
- ICT Bibliography (2020 PDF version) & ICT Bibliography (In progress Google Docs version)
Holland Bibliography
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