Implementing Career Resources and Services
- Implementation Model for Computer Applications
- Helping Clients Get the Most From Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems
- #1-5 Epstein. S., & Lenz. S. (2008, July). Developing and Managing Career Resources: Monograph Overview.Presentation at the National Career Development Association Global Conference.
- Implementation Model for Web Site Design and Use: a seven-step model for implementing and developing a Web site for use in counseling and career services.
- TR 22: Maximizing Staff Resources in Meeting the Needs of Job Seekers in One-Stop Centers.
- TR 21: A Preliminary Study of the Availability and Use of Information and Assessment Resources in One-Stop Centers.
- TR 20: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Florida Choices Implementation in High Schools.
- Pictures of CIP Service Delivery in Action in PPT
Designing Career Services
- Employer relations and recuritment serveices: An essential part of postsecondary career service (2013)
Author/Editor: Myrna P. Hoover, Janet G. Lenz, and Jeff Garis - Designing Career Services to Cost-Effectively Meet Individual Needs
- Designing and Implementing Career Programs: A Handbook for Effective Practice (2008)
Author/Editor: James P. Sampson, Jr. PhD-
- Chapter 1: Overview
- Chapter 2: Career Services
- Chapter 3: Service Delivery
- Chapter 4: Career Resources
- Chapter 5: Evaluation & Accountability
- Chapter 6: Implementation
- Chapter 7: Implementation Success
- Key Elements In Designing & Implementing Career Resources & Services Appendix B
- Identifying Potential Resources & Services Appendix D
- Resource Guide Worksheet Appendix E
- Aspects of a Successful Career Service
- Career Center Manual
- Elements of an Effective Career Resource Room
- TR 32: Paraprofessionals in Career Services
- TR 29: A Process for Developing the Structure of Need-Based Web Sites
- TR 28: Design Strategies for Need-Based Internet Web Sites in Counseling and Career Services
- TR 27: Paraprofessionals in Career Services: The FSU Model
- TR 25: Reducing Negative Career Thoughts with a Career Course
- Skill builiding session #3 Sampson, J. P., Jr. & Carr. D. (2004, July). Improving your website through a needs-based design approach.Presentation at the National Career Development Association Global Conference.
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