Selecting a major is one of the most important decisions you will make as a student at Florida State University (FSU). The decision you make is not always an easy one. Oftentimes students can feel eager or overwhelmed by the many major possibilities. Before making a hasty and possibly regrettable decision, seek the help of advisors from the Career Center and Advising First. Our advisors recognize the importance of this major decision and are here to offer their assistance and resources.
The Career Center is happy to offer a wide range of resources to help you in your decision including:
- Choosing a Major Guide – A combined effort of the Career Center and Advising First, our Choosing a Major Guide can help you discover the steps we recommend taking when choosing your major
- Career Advising - Drop-in for a one-on-one session with a trained Career Advisor to discuss choosing a major or other career-related problems
- Career Development Class (SDS 3340) – Taught by Career Center staff and Career Advisors, our Career Development Class can earn you 1 to 3 credits while also showing you the steps to choosing a major and improving your career decision-making skills
- Match Major Sheets - Our range of Match Major Sheets can help you identify the skills and potentially career opportunities specific majors can provide
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