- TR 64: The Career State Inventory (CSI) as a Measure of the Career Decision State and Readiness for Career Decision-Making: A Manual for Assessment, Administration, and Intervention (4th Edition)
- TR 63: Advances in the Foundations of a Theory of Career Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
- TR 62: An Introduction to CIP Theory, Research, and Practice
- TR 61: College Career Courses and Learner Outputs and Outcomes, 1976-2019
- TR 60: The Career State Inventory (CSI) as a Measure of the Career Decision State and Readiness for Career Decision Making: A Manual for Assessment, Administration, and Intervention (Third Edition)
- TR 59: Strategies for Developing, Managing, and Evaluating a Successful Career Course for 45 Years
- TR 58: RIASEC Literature from 1953-2016: Bibliographic References to Holland’s Theory, Research, and Applications
- TR 57: Career State Inventory Manual 7 with Creative Commons License
- TR 56: Career Portfolio Completion and Student Interviewing Skills
- TR 55: College Career Courses and Learner Outputs and Outcomes, 1976-2014
- TR-54: Measuring Readiness for Career-Decision Making with the Career Thoughts Inventory in Finland: Adaptation or Adoption
- TR 53: The Effects of College Career Courses on Learner Outputs and Outcomes
- TR 52: The Current Status of Career Services at Colleges and Universities
- TR 51: Examining Psychometric and Measurement Properties of the Career Thoughts Inventory: Demonstration and Use of the Rasch Measurement Model in Career Assessment Research
- TR 50: Holland's Theory In an International Context: Applicability of RIASEC Structure and Assessments
- TR 49: Career Information-seeking Behavior: Rediscovering an Effective Career Intervention.
- TR 48: Reactions to Curricular and Co-curricular Learning as Documented in an ePortfolio
- TR 47: Creating a Research Database on Holland's Theories & Practical Tools
- TR 46: The Influence of Item Response Indecision on Self-Directed Search (SDS) Scores
- TR 45: An Analysis of Occupational Activity From 1960-2000 Using a RIASEC Perspective
- TR 44: The Effects of College Career Courses on Learner Outputs and Outcomes
- TR 43: Using Grades to Evaluate a Career Course
- TR 42: Using the Self-Directed Search: Career Explorer With High-Risk Middle School Students.
- TR 41: An Examination of the Relationship Between Communication Apprehension and Career Thinking
- TR 40: A Feature Analysis of Career Information Delivery Systems (CIDS)
- TR 39: An Exploration of Profile Elevation on the Self-Directed Search
- TR 38: Holland's Theory and Implications for Academic Advising and Career Counseling.
- TR 37: The Effect of a Workbook Intervention on College Student's Reframes of Negative Career Thoughts.
- TR 36: A Model for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Cognitive Reframes of Dysfunctional Career Thoughts
- TR 35: Evaluation of an On-line Career Portfolio
- TR 34: Impact of a Career Course on Retention and Academic Performance
- TR 33: A Holland Perspective on the U.S. Workforce.
- TR 32: Paraprofessionals in Career Services
- TR 31: Process Evaluation of a Career Course
- TR-30: A Comparison Study of the Paper, Personal Computer (PC), and Internet Versions of Holland's Self-Directed Search
- TR 29: A Process for Developing the Structure of Need-Based Web Sites
- TR 28: Design Strategies for Need-Based Internet Web Sites in Counseling and Career Services
- TR 27: Paraprofessionals in Career Services: The FSU Model
- TR 26: The Effects of Career Courses on Learner Outputs and Outcomes.
- TR 25: Reducing Negative Career Thoughts with a Career Course
- TR 24: The features and costs of Internet-based career information delivery systems
- TR 23: Client Anticipations About Computer-Assisted Career Guidance System Outcomes.
- TR 22: Maximizing Staff Resources in Meeting the Needs of Job Seekers in One-Stop Centers.
- TR 21: A Preliminary Study of the Availability and Use of Information and Assessment Resources in One-Stop Centers.
- TR 20: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Florida Choices Implementation in High Schools.
- TR 19: Priorities for Relating Career Information Delivery Systems (CIDS) and Federal Initiatives
- TR 18: Potential Contributions of Career Information Delivery Systems to One-Stop Career Centers, Military Downsizing, and School-to-Work Transition Initiatives
- TR 17: Current Status and Future Potential for Evaluating the Design and Use of Computer-Based Career Information Delivery Systems in the United States
- TR 16: The Financial Status, Organizational Structure, and Staffing of Career Information Delivery Systems in the United States
- TR 15: Improving Career Guidance Services and Research with the Computer Version of the Self Directed Search (Form R)
- TR 14: An Analysis of the Localization Feature of Two Computer Assisted Career Guidance Systems - DISCOVER and SIGI PLUS
- TR 12: Holland's Theory and Effective Use of Computer Assisted Career Guidance Systems
- TR 11: The "DEMAND SIDE" of GENERAL EDUCATION - A Review of the Literature
- TR 10: The features and costs of PC-based computer-assisted career guidance systems
- TR 9: The Impact of DISCOVER for Adult Learners and SIGI PLUS on the Career Decision Making of Adults.
- TR 8: (1988) Computer Assisted Career Guidance Systems and the Adult Learner - Two Case Studies.
- TR 7: A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Two Generations of Computer-Assisted System - SIGI and SIGI PLUS
- TR 6: A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Three Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems on College Students' Career Decision Making Processes
- TR 5: The Impact of Discover and SIGI on the Career Decision Making of College Students
- TR 4: A Differential Feature Cost Analysis of Discover for Adult Learners and SIGI Plus
- TR 3: Use of Computer Assisted Career Guidance with Prior Cognitive Restructuring
- TR 2: A National Comparison of the Use of Discover and SIGI
- TR 1: A National Survey of the Use of Discover and SIGI
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