
ACA (American Counseling Association) Conference

  • Hayden, S. C. W., Lenz, J. G., Sampson, J. P., Jr., & Dozier, V. C. (2018, April). Cognitive information processing: Bridging the gap between career and mental health. Presentation at the American Counseling Association Conference. Atlanta, GA.
  • Osborn, D. S., Belle, J., & McCain, S. (2016). Career and Mental Health. Presentation at the American Counseling Association. Montreal, CA.
  • Osborn, D., Sampson, J. P., Lenz, J. G., Dozier, V. C.,& Hayden, S. (2015, March). Career and mental health counseling: Integrating theory, research, and practice. Presentation at the American Counseling Association. Orlando, FL.
  • Cantonis, A., Kronholz, J., Osborn, D., Finklea, T., & Belle, J. (2015, March). Discover your APPtitude: Exploring new technologies to enhance counseling service. Poster presentation at the American Counseling Association. Orlando, FL.
  • Hayden. S. (2012, November). Counseling for military personnel and veterans with disabilities [Webinar]. In American Counseling Association (ACA) Webinar.

FloridaACE (Florida Association of Colleges & Employers) Conference

IAEVG (International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance) International Conference

  • Kettunen, J., Vuorinen, R., & Sampson, J. P. (2015, August). Varying understandings of social media and competency for social media in career services. Presentation at the IAEVG International Conference, Tsukuba, Japan.
  • Sampson J. P., Jr. (2014, June). Ethical considerations of ICT Integration in careers practice. Presentation at the Symposium entitled, “Integration of ICT within Career Development & Guidance Practice” at the IAEVG International Conference in Guidance and Career Development, Quebec City, Canada.
  • Sampson. J. P. Jr. (2012, October). Ethical issues associated with information and communication technology in guidance. Presentation at the Symposium entitled, "Ethical Standards of IAEVG: How can Ethics in Guidance Respond to the Challenges of a Changing World?" at the IAEVG International Conference in Career Guidance for Social Justice. Mannheim, Germany -
  • Lenz, J., Reardon. R., & Osborn. D. (2012, October). Providing career and mental assistance to a diverse population: Using theory to Inform practice. Presentation at the IAEVG International Conference. Mannheim, Germany -
  • Lenz, J. G., Brown, S., Nassar-McMillan, S., Reardon, R. C., Sampson, J. P., & Niles, S. (2009, June). Examining cognitive career theories: Current status, future trends, and implications for the development and implementation of guidance services. Presentation at IAEVG International Conference, International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance, Jyväskylä, Finland.

National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Conference

  • Dowling, T. & Hoover, M. (2015, June) Insights Into an Innovative Response to Performance-Based Funding Initiatives. Presentation at National Association of Colleges and Employers. Anaheim, CA. 
  • Kennelly, E. & Roark, K. (2020, June). Behind the Build: Designing a Low Cost Career Readiness Platform for Any Students, Anywhere. Presentation at National Association of Colleges and Employers. 2020 Virtual Conference
  • Hoover, M. P., & Stallings, E. L. (2018, June 5). Managing the Chaos of Recruitment and Supervision, to Increase Retention of Professional Staff in Career Services: A Cognitive Information Processing Approach [Conference presentation]. NACE 2018 Conference & Expo, New Orleans, LA, United States.

NCDA (National Career Development Association) Global Conference

Click here for a full list of NCDA Presentations, grouped by year.

Other Invited Lectures

  • Osborn. D. (2019, July ). Cognitive Information Processing Theory: Applying Theory and Research to Practice. International workshop delivered at CERIC (Advancing Career Development in Canada), Webinar. 

  • Osborn. D. (2017, May). Cognitive Information Processing Theory (CIP) in Action. Presentation at Ohio Career Development Association.
  • Dowling, T. & Hollis, M. (2017, April) Recruit, Train & Retain Experiential Learning Professionals. Presentation at Cooperative Education & Internship Association. Denver, CO.
  • Osborn. D. (2015, June). Creative connectivity: Exploring tomorrow land's technology today. Presentation at Tennessee Career Development Association.
  • Kettunen. J. , Vuorinen . R., & Sampson. J. P. Jr. (2013). Career practitioners' ways of experiencing social media in career services. Presentation at the Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA) Conference. Sydney, Australia.
  • Sampson, J. P. (2010, November). What do we know about the digital age: A global perspective. Keynote presentation at Annual Careers Summit, Institute of Career Guidance, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
  • Sampson, J. P., & Vuorinen, R. (2012, September). Models for Designing and Using Distance Guidance. Presentation in Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • Sampson J. P., & Vuorinen . R. (2012, September). Using Information and Communication Technology to Integrate Face-to-Face and Distance Guidance. Presentation in Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • Sampson, J. P. (2003, February). Developing Needs-Based Services Using the Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) Approach. Presentation at National IAG Conference, Information, Advice and Guidance, Blackpool, England.
  • Sampson J. P., Jr. (2003, February). Developing Needs-Based Services Using the Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) Approach. Presentation at National IAG for Adults Conference.
  • Sampson J. P., Jr. (2001, June). Quality and Ethics in Web-Based Guidance: Coping With Change and Stability. Presentation at the 5th European Conference on Information and Communications Technology in Guidance entitled, "Quality and Ethics in Web-Based Guidance", Gothenburg, Sweden.

SVP (Society for Vocational Psychology) Conference







Connecting cognitive information processing theory, research, & practice to career transitions

Bullock-Yowell, E, Osborn, D., Hayden, S., Lenz,J., Sampson, J. Jr.

CIP Symposium Presentation


Using Holland’s theory, the Self-Directed Search, and four other tools in life/career transitions

Reardon, R., & Meyer-Griffith, K.



View the SVP conference book: 

Plenary I Integration of theory, research, and practice: A social cognitive perspective Lent, R. (2016, May) PDF
  John L. Holland: Perspectives on theory, research and practice Reardon, R. C. (2016, May) PDF
  Counseling for work and relationship Richardson, M. S. (2016, May) PDF
  Systems theory framework of career development McMahon, M., & Patton, W. (2016, May) PDF
Plenary II Applying cognitive information processing theory to
career problem solving and decision making
Dozier, C., Lenz, J., Osborn, D., Peterson, G.,
Reardon, R., & Sampson, J. (2016, May).
Plenary III The role of theory in improving evidence-based career interventions Fouad, N. (2016, May) PDF
  What we know and don't know from existing meta analyses of career interventions Brown, S. (2016, May) PDF
  Conducting general versus population and setting-specific meta analyses Whiston, S. (2016, May) PDF
  Strategies for improving the design and use of meta analyses in evidence-based practice Becker, B. (2016, May) PDF
  Fostering collaboration among theoreticians, researchers, and practitioners to develop
evidence-based practice
Solberg, S. (2016, May) PDF
Plenary IV The Career Development Quarterly Duffy, R. (2016, May) PDF
  Journal of Career Assessment Gati, I. (2016, May) PDF
  Journal of Career Development Flores, L. (2016, May) PDF
  Journal of Employment Counseling Furbish, D., & Smith, A. (May, 2016) PDF
  Journal of Vocational Behavior Schultheiss, D. (May, 2016) PDF
Plenary V Summary of key points from plenary I Ali, S. (2016, May)  
  Summary of key points from plenary II Bullock-Yowell, E. (2016, May) PDF
  Summary of key elements from plenary III Rottinghaus, P. (2016, May) PDF
  Plenary panel IV: A view from the editor's desk Howard, K. (2016, May) PDF
  Integrating theory, research, and practice: Lessons learned from the evolution of vocational psychology Blustein, D. (2016, May) PDF
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